Vision Éternel Photo Shoot In Wexford
A couple of days before Christmas, we decided that it was time for a new Vision Éternel photo shoot. The last band photo shoot was taken almost four years ago. Accompanied by our trusty photographer Rain Frances, we drove up to the little town of Wexford. It was a perfectly foggy night and we set ourselves up behind a historic building. Once again, the film noir element was inevitable, as it has become a norm for Vision Éternel photo shoots. These stills were highly inspired for the classic film noir, “The Big Combo“, which features one of the most iconic and superb photography by John Alton.
These news pictures that were taken in Wexford will be used to promote an upcoming limited-edition cassette re-issue of the latest Vision Éternel EP, “Echoes From Forgotten Hearts“. This release will be announced in the early months of 2016, along with a surprise announcement of a very special release.

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