2007-2017: Vision Éternel Celebrates Its 10-Year Anniversary
Vision Éternel is happy to celebrate its 10-year anniversary! That’s right, January 2017 marks a decade since the project started. It all started one evening in January of 2007 while experimenting at Mortified Studios (then called Mortified Studio, singular) with brand new effects. “Love Within Beauty” was the first song that Alexandre Julien wrote and recorded one undated night that January. Since then, five EPs have been released along with a compilation and several singles and videos.
To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of Vision Éternel, a series of plans have been in the works since December of 2016. The band has a lot of surprises to spoil long-time fans who have been disappointed every time they inquired about purchasing physical merchandise. Everything will be revealed in greater detail as they come together but some of the plans will be revealed now.
Vision Éternel has new promotional band photo shoots scheduled along with plans to release new videos. There will be new merchandise, something that’s always been lacking for Vision Éternel, which is our fault for wanting to focus on digital-exclusive releases. Also, new releases featuring new and old (previously released and unreleased) music. And more. All in all there are a lot of surprises.
Keep checking Vision Éternel’s website for official news.
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